
My name is Asi Spiegel and I’m happy you are visiting. I hope you will stay awhile and keep returning to my blog where I will share with you inspirational, to the point, Jewish ideas

MY Mission

To share with you inspirational, to the point, Jewish ideas that excite me and hopefully will excite you, too. In our times, when we feel pulled in so many directions and have short attention spans, we need quick, intense doses of Torah and Chassidus to keep us in high spirits. I will do my best to give you that solid boost. I plan on posting new written and audio content at least once a week, hopefully more often. I will also sometimes write reflections on my life experiences and current events. Once in awhile, I share a book review.

a little bit
about me

I was born and grew up in Tel Aviv, to a modern religious family. My father, Professor Yaakov Spiegel, is a world renowned Jewish scholar who headed the Talmud Department at Bar Ilan University for many years. He imparted in me a love of learning and an obsession with Jewish books.

At the age of 12, in 1981, I watched a film that changed my life. It was a movie about the Lubavitcher Rebbe. I became so magnetized to the Rebbe’s personality that all I wanted to do was fly to NY to see him. My parents were not so thrilled about it, to say the least, but eventually I managed to move to Brooklyn to the Rebbe’s “court” at the young age of 16.5

Since that move in 1986, the Rebbe has taken me on a life changing trip that continues to this day.

I feel so grateful to have had the unbelievable opportunity of spending seven magical years with the Rebbe: seeing him every day, hearing him speak, immersing myself in his Torah explanations, and even going on special “missions” as his representative (aka Shliach). The Rebbe sent my friends and me to Nepal, India, Thailand, Vancouver BC, Santa Cruz and San Francisco in California, and many other places.

I met incredible people of all sorts, Jews and also Gentiles, and the journey has been full of color and meaning. Later, after the Rebbe’s passing, I was a Chabad Campus Rabbi in Eugene, Oregon from 2002-2010.

In 2010, after about 20 years in the U.S., I returned to Israel and today I live with my wife Aviva and six children in the holy city of Tzfat.

One of my primary pursuits in life is making the Rebbe’s message more available and accessible to today’s modern Jew. I am convinced that it is the most relevant and desperately needed message for each individual Jew and even Gentile today.  So here is my humble contribution to the effort of making the Rebbe’s teachings and ideas understandable and accessible to each and every one of you.

You are invited to join me on this journey. You are welcome to comment on the site or write me emails and I will try to engage with you as much as I can.

If you would like to be in touch in order to ask me questions in Torah or to give feedback, email me at rabbiasi@gmail.com or see my contact page.

Extraordinary Experiences

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Our Core Values

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